Journey to Jo'Burg; Essential Modern Classics
Henry IV Part I & Part II
Charmed Life (Essential Modern Classics)
Bugsy Malone (Essential Modern Classics)
Little Wolfs Book of Badness (First Modern Classics)
Dubliners (Collins Classics)
I Heart Paris
Casper Candlewacks in Attack of the Brainiacs!
All Hell Let Loose
The Stranger
Casper Candlewacks in the Claws of Crime!
My Dear I Wanted to Tell You
The Pocket Hobbit 75th Anniversary Edition
Death of Kings
Omen Machine
Atlantic : A Vast Ocean of a Million Stories
New Beginnings
Chocolate Wars; From Cadbury to Kraft: 200 years of Sweet Success and Bitter Rivalry
Frankenstein 5 : The Dead Town
The Upside of Irrationality; The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home
Judas Gate
Carrie Diaries
Killing Hour
Bible of the Dead