/Mertvaia zona (The Dead Zone)
Maktub - Paulo Coelho
Skazki-malyutki (Little Fairy Tales)
Legendy Nevskogo prospekta (The Legends of Nevsky Prospect)
Boitsovskii klub (Fight Club)
Zima trevogi nashey (The Winter of Our Discontent)
Dorozhnye raboty (Roadwork)
Devushka v poezde (Girl on the train)
Poydi postav storozha (Go Set A Watchman)
Svadba (The Wedding)
Manuskript, naidennyi v Akko (Manuscript Found in Acre)
Koltso (The Ring)
Zapiski iz podpolya (Notes from the Underground)
Mertvaya zona(Dead zone)
Charlz-strit, 44(Charles Street, 44)
Lyagushka-puteshestvennitsa i drugie skazki o zhivotnyh(Frog traveler and other tales of animals)
Spasenie(The rescue)
Krov na sneg(Blood on the snow)
Ryzhevolosaya Zhenschina(The Redheaded Woman)
Belaya krepost(White Fortress)
Bratya Karamazovy(The Brothers Karamazov)
Bozhestvennaya komediya
Mertvye dushi(Dead Souls)
Nachat snachala(Start over)
Dumay i Bogatey!(Think and get rich!)
Mashina vremeni. Chelovek-nevidimka(Time Machine. Invisible Man)
Kniga uspekha ot monakha, kotoryi prodal svoi "FERRARI"(A book of success from a monk who sold his "