Kitap Tanıtımı |
The simple present tenseThe present continuous tenseThe simple past tenseThe past continuous tenseThe present perfect tenseThe present perfect continuous tenseThe past perfect tenseThe past perfect continuous tenseThe simple future tenseThe future continuous tenseThe future perfect tenseThe future perfect continuous tenseModalsÖnemli yapılarPrepositionsConjunctionsPassive voiceAdjectivesConditional sentencesAdverbsNounsThe sentenceNoun, adjective, adverb clausesGerundsParticiplesInfinitivesCausativesReported speechThe summary of advanced grammarKarıştırılan yapılarGeneral roots and prefixesPrepositions with verbsGrammar testsPreposıtıon tests & phrasal verb testsVocabulary testsCloze testsReadıng comprehensıon testsDıalogue completıon testsTranslatıon from englısh to turkısh testsTranslatıon from turkısh to englısh testsSentence completıon testsFındıng the closest ın meanıng testsParagraph completıon testsOdd the sentence out testsYDS Deneme sınavıAnswers ) |