Moia novaia zhizn (My New Life)
Potseluy menya! (Kiss Me!)
Fialki v marte (The Violets of March)
Kanun vseh svyatyh (The Haloween Tree)
Pochtamt (Post Office - Charles Bukowski)
Prigovor (Sentence)
Davaite vse ub'em Konstantsiiu (Let's all kill Constance)
Devyat rasskazov (Nine Stories)
Daleko za polnoch (Long After Midnight)
Letnee utro, letnyaya noch (Summer Morning, Summer Night)
Gordost i predubezhdenie (Pride and prejudice)
Noruwei no mori/Norvezhskiy les (Norwegian Wood)
Podzemka (Underground)
Prestuplenie i nakazanie (Crime And Punishment)
Karibskaya tayna
Zavodnoi apel'sin
Skriuchennyi domishko
Desyat negrityat(And then there wer
Prikljuchenija Sherloka Kholmsa
Graf Monte-Kristo 2kh knigakh(Le Co
Graf Monte-Kristo. T. 1
Koroleva Margo(Queen Margot)
Malenkiy prints(Little Prince)
O divnyy novyy mir(Brave new world)
Bozhestvennaya komediya
Tainstvennaia istoriia Billi Millig
Chudny dela tvoi, Gospodi!;(Marvelo
Mylnaya skazka Shaherezady(Soapy Ta
Ded Snegur i Morozochka. Versal pod