The Ottoman World, Europe And The Mediterranean
ISBN 9789754284560
Yayınevi Isis Yayınları (The Isis Press Istanbul)
Yazarlar Özlem Kumrular (author)
Kitap Tanıtımı Prologue POLITICAL BALANCE BETWEEN EAST AND WEST 1. "The creation of the Turkish image in the 16th-century Mediterranean: Self-reflection versus antipropaganda". Published in: Imagining 'the Turk', ed. Božidar Jezernik. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010. 2. "Provocative history writing as a means of memory refreshment and antipropaganda against the Turk in the modern ages". Presented in: 'The Turks and Islam' Conference, Sept. 11-12 at IU Bloomington, USA. 3. "'Wanderers on mission' and their role in the information gathering in the 16th century Ottoman Empire". Published in Turkish: "Misyon yüklü gezginler" ve 16. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na dair istihbarat toplama konusundaki rolleri, Doğu-Batı Dergisi, Halil İnalcık Armağanı, 2010. 4. "Men of frontiers: the couriers, agents, ambassadors, consuls. The information strategy of the Habsburgs about the Ottoman Empire". Published in Spanish: "Las tácticas y vías de trasmisión de la información sobre los turcos", España-Turquía. Actas de las I Jornadas de Historia organizadas por el Instituto Cervantes de Estambul en la Universidad del Bósforo los día 31 de octubre y 1 y 2 de noviembre de 2002. Editorial Isis, Estambul, 2003. 5. "The French image in Europe and the Ottoman Empire after the Franco-Turkish alliance against the Habsburg power. The role of France and the Ottoman Empire in the collapse of the majestic idea of the Orbis Christianus". Presented in: Saison Turque, Osmanlı'da ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde Fransız Algıları, Bahçeşehir & Galatasaray Universities, Paris & Aix-en-Provence, December, 2009. Published as/in: "Avrupa'nin inşasında Osmanlı etkisi. Habsburg gücüne karşı Osmanlı-Fransiz ittifakının Avrupa'daki Fransa imajina katkısı ve Ffransa'nın majestik Orbis Christianus ideasının çöküşündeki rolü". Doğu-Batı, 2010, Haziran. 6. "Lepanto as a breaking point between the Sublime Porte and the Republic". Presented in: Celebrazione e autocritica. La Serenissima e la ricerca dell'identità veneziana nel tardo Cinquecento, Venezia, 2006. 7. "Alvise Gritti: Un Veneziano alla Sublime Porta". Published in: Annali dell'Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Sezione Romanza, L, 1, 71-105 Napoli (2008). MARITIME AFFAIRS 8. "The aid that never came: Rhodes as the last stronghold of Christianity in the Eastern Mediterranean". Presented in: 3rd MMHN Conference, İzmir, May, 2010. 9. "The Ottoman Maghreb and its reflections in the Ottoman archival sources and poetry". Presented in: Souveraineté ottomane et autonomie provinciale. Statut juridique et dynamique politique au Maghreb et dans les Balkans (XVIe-XIXe s.) Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, Tunis, October 2009. 10. "Iles et côtes infortunées face à l'Armada turque (1550-1552). Les attaques et leur contribution à la création d'une image négative des Turcs". Published in : Des marges aux frontières: Les îles enjeux de conquêtes et de souverainetés, Université de Nice, Editions Classiques Garniers, Paris, 2010, 39-58. THE EMPIRE AND SOCIETY 11. "Los esclavos cristianos del "Gran Turco" en el siglo XVI: La reflexión de la eslavitud turca en los textos europeos". Published in: Iacobus, vol. 21-211, 401-426. (2006). 12. "The role of wine in the Ottoman society a collective 'vice': Restrictions and disobedience to the laws". Presented in: Hicos, Retz, July 2011. 13. "Representation of power in the Ottoman architecture and the reflection of the Sultan's ambitions on the Süleymaniye Mosque and his tomb: Historiographical thesis versus imagological analysis: Between myth and reality". Presented in: Le VIIIe congrès du corpus d'archéologie ottomane dans le monde: Fondation Temimi - Tunis, 2007 Bibliography