Mugby Junction
ISBN 9786257060905
Yayınevi Platanus Publishing
Yazarlar Yayınevi: Platanus Publishing (author)
Kitap Tanıtımı 'A place relete with shadowy shapes, this Mugby Junction in the black hours of the four-andtwenty. Mysterious goods trains, covered with palls and gliding on like vast weird funerals, conveying  themselves guiltily away from the presence of the few lighted lamps, as if their freight had come to a secret and unlawful end. Half miles of coal pursuing in a Detective manner, following when they lead, stopping when they stop, backing when they back. Red hot embers showering out upon the ground, down this dark avenue, and down the other, as if torturing fires were being raked clear; concurrently, shrieks and groans and grinds invading the ear, as if the tortured were at the height of their suffering. Iron-barred cages full of cattle jangling by midway, the drooping beasts with horns entangled, eyes frozen with terror, and mounths too: at least they have long icicles (or what seem so) hanging from their lips. Unknown languages in the air, conspiring in red, green and white characters. An earthquake accompained with thunder and lightning, going up express to London.'   (Tanıtım Bülteninden)  )