Ecclesia Des Massacres Die Kirchen des Blutvergiessens - Carnages Temple
ISBN 9786054734245
Yayınevi Hel Yayıncılık
Yazarlar Azad Ziya Eren (author) | Danyal Nacarlı (translator) | Jacques Charcosset (translator) | Sophie Surville (translator)
Kitap Tanıtımı Love has dynasty! You have dynasty! I have dynasty! Real and fake have dynasty! There is dynasty! There is undressing! There is jettisning as you undress! That rests from abetting descent. There is descent undressing! There is descent loving! There is being descent! There is left descent! There is dynasty of carnaged, declinated, enumerated! You have your dynasty, you have your genocide! There is genocide! There is genocide! *ALMANCA, FRANSIZCA, KÜRTÇE