Approaches on New Media; Proceedings of 1st International New Media Conference
ISBN 9786054827282
Yayınevi İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Yayınları
Yazarlar Kolektif (author)
Kitap Tanıtımı Changing Marketing Practices in New Media Age: Mobile Marketing Applications Ali Murat KIRIK, Ahmet ÇETINKAYA Relationship Between Technology And Communication - Cem S. SÜTÇÜ The Impact of Mobile Advertisements on Impulse Buying Behavior - Ceyda DENEÇLI, Öykü Ezgi YILDIZ Internet and Advertisement Taxation - Fevzi Rifat ORTAÇ, Deniz AKÇAY Paradigms in Digital Activism Research - Gülüm ŞENER Museum Crowdsourcing: Consolidation of Museum Work Communicating with Public - N. Hanzade URALMAN New and Old: Changes and Continuity in Culture and Media - Ileana Nicoleta SALCUDEAN Customer Services on Facebook: An Investigation into - UK Banking Sector - Nurdilek DALZIEL How Social Media Supports Citizen Participation in Local Governments? Example of Kadıköy Municipality - Özgür C. SELVI-TAŞDAN The Impact of E-Shopping Website Quality on E-Loyalty - Sevda DENEÇLI Cem Rituals - From the Sacred Place to Social Media - Seyhan KAYHAN KILIÇ Alternative Media's Approach to Terrorism News: A Review on The Murder of The Prosecutor - Zafer ÖZDEMİR