A Course of Mechanical Magnetical Optical Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Experiments
ISBN 9786257078122
Yayınevi Platanus Publishing
Yazarlar Yayınevi: Platanus Publishing (author)
Kitap Tanıtımı “Fluids gravitate in proprio loco, the upper Parts continually pressing upon the lower: That this Pressure is not only propagated Downwards, but even Upwards, and Sideways, according to all possible Directions; That a lighter Fluid may gravitate upon a heavier, and an heavier upon a lighter; That a Fluid may sustain a Body heavi­er in Specie than it self, and even raise it up; That a Fluid may detain a Body lighter in Specie than it self, and even depress it. A gen-eral Experiment to prove, that a competent Pressure of a Fluid may produce the remarkable Phænomena of the Tor­ricellian Tube, the Pump, Syringe, Syphon, pol­ished Plates, and other Effects of the like Nature.”   (Tanıtım Bülteninden)  )